Flipclock styling
Flipclock styling

flipclock styling
  1. #Flipclock styling install
  2. #Flipclock styling download
  3. #Flipclock styling windows

#Flipclock styling install

Go to flipclock dir under your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX, you can now find flipclock.scr and right click it to install it as a screensaver.Select Release, and right click INSTALL in the right panel, and build it.

flipclock styling

  • When Configure finished, press Generate, then press Open Project to open Visual Studio.
  • When Configure failed again, fill SDL2_TTF_DIR to where you extract SDL2_ttf devel files, then press Configure again.
  • When Configure failed, set CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to where you want to save all runtime files, fill SDL2_DIR to where you extract SDL2 devel files, then press Configure again.
  • Open CMake GUI, select source as this project, then choose build path, press Configure and Finish.
  • Please refer to deps/ for links.

    #Flipclock styling download

    Download SDL2 and SDL2_ttf devel files and extract.Go to flipclock dir under your prefix directory, you can now find flipclock.scr and right click it to install it as a screensaver.You can change prefix argument to other path you created in Step 2, but you need to use UNIX style slash instead of backslash because it's escape character in C. Run mkdir build & cd build & meson setup -prefix=d:/flipclock-prefix -buildtype=release. Change dir to where you put this project.Open 圆4 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019 from Start Menu, or other architectures you need.Create a prefix directory, for example d:/flipclock-prefix, program files will be installed into it.But thanks to Meson which handles all dirty things for me, it's SDL2 wrap works now and I managed to tweak it to build a static linked program automatically if no pre-built dependency found.

    #Flipclock styling windows

    Windows is a horrible platform for developers: no package manager for easy distribution, slowly visual studio, complicated tool chains. It might be not so easy for some windows users to understand how complicated building static libraries is and what dynamically libraries are.

    flipclock styling

    This user knows nothing about compiling, linking and loading. NOTICE: I saw a windows user says "This program has dlls in its folder so it's not simple!" and I got angry. Just download file with win in its name from lastest release page, extract it and right click flipclock.scr to install it as a screensaver.

  • If you want to install this to your system, it is suggested to build with mkdir build & cd build & cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr.
  • mkdir build & cd build & cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug.
  • If you want to install this to your system, it is suggested to build with mkdir build & cd build & meson setup -prefix=/usr -buildtype=release.
  • Multi-display is only supported in fullscreen mode. If you run this program in windowed mode ( -w), only one display is supported. I added multi-display support to this program, but adding/removing monitors while program is running is not supported, and you should not do this. FlipClock A flip clock screensaver supported by SDL2.

    Flipclock styling